All Collections
Datamolino user guide
Web upload
Email upload
Email upload: @nosplit / @split / @sales /@purchases
Datamolino mobile app
Mobile app - Add comments to your images
Import History
Scan quality is important!
Upload from Dropbox / OneDrive / Box / Google Drive to your Datamolino Folder using Zapier
Bank statements upload
Keep Track of Attachments in Datamolino
What are Folders and how do I use them?
Invite users to Folders
Can I have multiple folders?
Search in all folders
Use filters to setup forwarding of supplier invoices from Gmail to one or multiple Datamolino folders.
Reports: Purchase History
Reports: Export Automation Report
Supplier Automation Settings report (Xero)
Use due date rules to automate due dates on your supplier invoices
Account management
Account roles & folder roles
GDPR Data Request Tool
Export data to file: Original PDF, CSV or Excel
Duplicate detection
How to get started with Invoice Approval
Pop Out Invoice
Invoice Archive
Contact form - Update all details about your contacts!
Contact management - MERGE & EDIT your contacts
How contact matching works
Credit notes (Xero, QuickBooks)
New Folder and Automation Preferences
Client ID Field for Easy Navigation and Tracking
Reports: Actionable items
Reports: User Exports
Reports: Folders Summary
Reports: User Permissions
Manage Xero Contact Groups in Datamolino
Auto-Archive Exported Documents