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Reports: User Permissions
Lubica Jakubac avatar
Written by Lubica Jakubac
Updated over 7 months ago

The User Permissions Report gives you a clear view of who has access to which folders in your Datamolino account.

This report helps you:

  • Track who has access to which folders and what role (Admin/User) they hold.

  • Monitor and manage user permissions effectively to ensure the right people have the right level of access.

What’s the difference between Admin and User roles?

  • Admins have full control over folder settings, including managing user access.

  • Users can access the folders but do not have the ability to manage settings or invite/remove other users.

Accessing the report:


This report includes:

  • User Information: Full name and email address of each user within your account.

  • Folder Access & Roles: A detailed list of the folders each user has access to, along with their assigned role (Admin or User).

  • Role Creation Date: The date each user created their role after receiving an invitation, helping you track when access was granted.

Role Clarification: Admins can manage folder settings, including inviting or removing users, while Users have more restricted access.

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