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Invite users to Folders
Jan Korecky avatar
Written by Jan Korecky
Updated over a week ago

You can invite users to your folders directly from your My Folders dashboard by clicking the link "Invite users".

Just type in the email address, choose the role and click "Invite user".

Datamolino currently supports the following user roles in Folders:

Owner - is the person who has created the Folders. This role is not transferable to other users. The Owner of the Folder pays for the transactions that are incurred in the folder by other users.

Administrator - can do all actions within a Folder and can invite other users.

User - can do all actions within a Folder. A User can not invite other users or remove other users from the Folder.

Who pays for the transactions incurred in the Folder?

All transactions that happen in a Folder are charged to the Owner of the Folder (i.e. the user that has originally created the Folder). The ownership of the Folder cannot be transferred.

You do not have to pay for a user plan to be invited to a Folder.

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