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Reports: Purchase History

The Purchase History Report includes the basic information and status of the purchases and give you an overview of multiple folders at once.

Lubica Jakubac avatar
Written by Lubica Jakubac
Updated over a week ago

The Purchase History report allows you to run a history of all your transactions imported into Datamolino over the last 30, 60, or 90 days across one or multiple folders.

This report helps you:

  • Track and analyze your spending patterns over time.

  • Monitor supplier relationships across multiple folders.

Accessing the Report:

You can generate the report in Excel format, allowing you to filter and search the data for deeper analysis.


Report Breakdown:

The report includes basic information and the status of each purchase:

Basic Information:

(Captured data)

  • Folder Name

  • Document ID: Datamolino’s unique identifier, found in the URL of the document

  • Supplier

  • Invoice Description

  • Supplier ID

  • Issue Date

  • Due Date

Status of Each Imported Transaction:

Standard Folders

  • Import Date

  • Document State: Ready, exported

  • Comment

  • Export Date

  • Exported By

Folders with Approval Add-on

  • Import Date

  • Document State: Ready, exported

  • Approval State: Review, awaiting approval, approved, rejected

  • Approval Date

  • Comment

  • Name of the Approver

  • Export Date

  • Exported By

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