The automation rules allows you to change the default invoice coding per Supplier or per Folder. It also allows you to export your bills & receipts into Xero automatically when you turn on the 'Auto-Export' feature.
Scroll down to learn about:
Automation rules - setting default coding for each supplier or for the entire folder
Auto-Export - automatically publish items into Xero as they become ready to export
This is how you can access the Automation settings:
Inside the folder by clicking on Folder menu - Accounting & Automation, or
In part 'Integration':
Inside an invoice, click the below option to review the automation settings for the specific supplier (no need to go all the way to the Supplier Automation dashboard):
How does the Automation rules work?
When you first export any invoice into Xero, Datamolino remembers the 'coding' of your invoice:
ledger account / tax code / tracking categories
export destination (Bills / Bank transactions / Expenses)
When you start using Datamolino, you do not have to worry about setting up anything if you do not want to. Datamolino just remembers your export settings as you go along. You can control these defaults in the Supplier Automation dashboard, where you can adjust all export settings per supplier and setup Auto-Export.
In addition to setting the 'default coding' for each supplier, you can also:
Turn on Auto-Export
Change settings for all suppliers in bulk (Mass edit & Default settings)
Refresh Supplier list from Xero
Download settings from Xero for each individual contact
Save the settings back to Xero for future use
Auto-Export in action
Once you check the 'Auto-Export' option in the supplier tab, all invoices from the selected Supplier will get automatically exported to your Xero organisation as they become ready to export. No buttons to push, they just appear in Xero. Use this feature only with suppliers where you are certain that their documents come in good quality to minimise any OCR errors in your Xero data. Files that Datamolino flags as possible duplicates are not automatically exported into Xero.
How do I know which items have been exported automatically?
Items that have been exported manually will have a green Xero label, items that have been exported automatically have a light blue Xero label.