We have refreshed the interface to be a bit more legible. There are a couple of shortcuts and visual enhancements to help you be more effective.
Refreshed invoice detail - better visibility of what data gets exported to Xero
Shortcut to Purchases / Sales - now it is easier to navigate Datamolino
Improved document history - you can see to which Xero org you have exported (in case you have doubts)
Refreshed invoice detail
We now highlight the figures that will show up in your Xero. Datamolino tries to find as much data as possible on the documents that we process. When exporting to Xero, we choose a safe way to export in order to eliminate errors. That is why we let Xero calculate the tax based on the Total or Net value. Generally, Datamolino sends the TOTAL to Xero as "tax inclusive". When we capture line items, there may be a case where the line items contain only the NET values and nothing else. In this case we send the NET as "tax exclusive" and let Xero calculate the tax. It is important to choose the correct Tax Code prior to export.
Shortcuts to Sales and Purchases
Shortcuts to Sales and Purchases subfolders are now accessible from the main dashboard. Also new is the information about the currently connected Xero organisation (Xero users only).
Shortcuts to Sales and Purchases subfolders are now accessible from the navigation bar.
If you accidentally upload documents to the incorrect subfolder, it is easy to move the documents between Purchases and Sales. (this is a feature that we have introduced in our last release)
Improved document history
Now you can see to which Xero organisation you have exported your documents.
February 4th, 2016