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Quick overview of how Datamolino works

General overview of the basic workflow

Lubica Jakubac avatar
Written by Lubica Jakubac
Updated over 11 months ago

Datamolino helps you automate your bookkeeping process so you can spend minimum time on entering document data into your accounting software. 

Getting started

When you sign up and open your dashboard for the first time, a folder needs to be created. Folders can represent:

  • Individual organisations/businesses from your Xero or QuickBooks Online. In this case you would have one folder per one organisation.

  • Individual departments/locations/projects. These can be related to a single business, with each folder being connected to a single folder.

  • Staff members, with folders representing their expenses. 

Importing documents

After you finish setting up folders, you can start uploading documents. There are 3 main ways to do this:

  1. Web uploads. Simply open your folder and click the green "Import" button. 

  2. Email uploads. Every folder has its own email address. You can use this to forward emails with documents or request senders to directly submit them into a Datamolino folder's email address.

  3. Mobile uploads. You can take quick snaps of receipts on the go and send them to be processed.

NOTE: We recommend uploading throughout the month to avoid spikes at the end. This way you can have your documents ready by the time you need them in your accounting software.

Document processing

After your documents have been successfully uploaded, they will need to be processed on our side. If document quality is sufficient and the layout is recognised by our system, you can expect it to be processed within minutes. However, if the document layout is new, our operators would first need to train the machine how to best read your data, which can take up to 24 hours. For any low quality documents such as hand-written invoices and photos the processing time is always up to 24 hours.

Reviewing processed data

As soon as your data is ready, you can review the processed documents. If the supplier is new, you would need to assign the coding such as Contact name, Tax Code, Ledger code and others. These settings are remembered for subsequent uploads. 

Exporting documents

When your documents are ready to be exported, you can click the teal "Export" button. If the coding was done right, the documents will be pushed through to your accounting software where you will find the extracted data and the original attachment.


We're happy to take care of training for your new clients or team members, just let them schedule a time here (please leave a note that it is a training).

Alternatively, we can support you with more training materials (partner guides, videos), just let us know via our support chat.

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