For best user experience, upload good quality scans or digital PDFs.
To get you the best data capture results, the quality of your original documents is very important.
Digital PDFs and 300 DPI invoice scans give the best results.ย
Some type of documents cannot be automated, but Datamolino will prepare your data anyway.
Phone picture snaps of papers on your desk cannot be automated. Datamolino gives you the basic data that you need to process the invoice even on invoices that cannot be automated, we just process them manually for you. This means that you will need to wait for the manual process to finish.
As a rule of thumb, if the scan has a low print quality or has handwriting that interferes with the data, our robot will have a hard time picking out the correct data for you.
Line item data extraction works only on invoices that can be automated, i.e. have good image quality.